How To Toilet Train Your Puppy In 3 Days

By | May 14, 2021

How To Toilet Train Your Puppy In 3 Days

Toilet training your puppy can be a daunting task! It takes time, patience, and understanding of your puppy’s needs. The good news is that with the right tools and guidance, you can toilet train your puppy in as little as three days. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about toilet training your puppy, from understanding your pup’s habits to getting them to use the restroom outside. With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll have a happy, well-trained pup in no time at all!

Understanding Your Puppy's Habits

Before you start toilet training your puppy, it’s important to understand their behaviors and habits. Puppies are creatures of habit, and they need clear cues and consistency when it comes to toilet training. Pay attention to your puppy’s behaviors before you start to create a successful potty training plan. Some things to look out for include when they eat, drink, sleep, and play. A puppy’s bladder size is small, so they may not be able to “hold it” for very long periods of time. Knowing how often your pup urinates or relieves themselves can help you create an effective potty training routine.

Feeding Schedules & Potty Breaks

Once you have an understanding of your puppy’s habits, it’s time to create a feeding schedule. A consistent feeding schedule will help you anticipate when your pup needs to go to the bathroom. This way, you can take them outside for potty breaks at the same time each day. Whenever possible, take your puppy outside after meals, naps, and playtime. Make sure that you are taking your pup to the same spot each time, as this will help them to recognize the area and remember that it’s where they “go”. If your puppy has an accident in the house, it’s important to remain calm and never punish them as this will only confuse them.

Positive Reinforcement & Training

Positive reinforcement is key when toilet training your puppy. Whenever your pup goes to the bathroom outside, make sure to reward them with praise, treats, and love. This will help them associate using the restroom outside with positive feelings. You should also teach your puppy basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come” as these will help them learn to follow your instructions. With enough patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you’ll be able to successfully toilet train your pup in no time!

Common Questions About Potty Training

Even with the right knowledge, there are still a few common questions that many people have when it comes to toilet training their pup. Here are a few of the most common questions:

  • How long does it take to toilet train a puppy?

  • What are common mistakes to avoid when toilet training?

  • How do I deal with accidents?

  • What tools can I use to help with toilet training?

It usually takes a few weeks to toilet train a puppy, though with the right tools, consistency, and positive reinforcement, toilet training can be accomplished in as little as three days. Common mistakes to avoid include punishing your pup for accidents, not taking them outside after meals and play, and not being consistent. When accidents do happen, it’s important to stay calm and clean the area thoroughly to neutralize any smells. Finally, there are a variety of tools available to help with toilet training. These include puppy pads, a designated area in the yard, and pee-post pheromone sprays. With the right combination of these tools and our expert tips, you’ll have a happy, well-trained pup in no time at all!

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