Does Puppy Have Milk Teeth

By | August 2, 2021

Do Puppies Have Milk Teeth?

Puppies have a lot of exciting milestones in the first few months of their lives. From their first steps to their first bark, these moments are filled with anticipation and joy. But one of the earliest and most important developments for puppies is the emergence of their milk teeth. So, do puppies have milk teeth? The answer is yes!

Milk teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, are the first set of teeth that puppies develop. These teeth are replaced by permanent adult teeth as the puppy matures. Knowing when and how many teeth a puppy develops can help owners know what to expect during this important stage of their pet's life.

What Are Milk Teeth?

Milk teeth are the first set of teeth a puppy will develop and are the precursor to their permanent adult teeth. Milk teeth are meant to be temporary, eventually falling out and being replaced by the adult set. These teeth are also known as deciduous teeth, due to their tendency of “decaying” or falling out over time.

Milk teeth usually begin to emerge from the gum line between the ages of 4-12 weeks. By the time the puppy reaches 6 months, all of the milk teeth should have fallen out and been replaced by the permanent adult teeth.

How Many Milk Teeth Do Puppies Have?

Puppies typically have a total of 28 milk teeth, which all should emerge between the ages of 4-12 weeks. As the puppy gets older, these teeth will fall out and be replaced by the permanent adult teeth.

The number of teeth that a puppy has will depend on the breed and size of the dog. Smaller breeds may only have a total of 20 milk teeth, while larger breeds can have up to 42.

Types of Milk Teeth

Puppies have different types of teeth that make up their milk teeth. These include canines, premolars, molars, and incisors. The canines are the four pointed teeth near the corners of the mouth. Premolars are the flat teeth behind the canines and molars are the large flat teeth towards the back of the mouth. The incisors are the small, pointy teeth near the front.

Caring for a Puppy’s Milk Teeth

Just like adult teeth, it’s important for puppy owners to take care of their pet’s milk teeth. Proper oral hygiene will help ensure that their puppy’s teeth stay healthy and strong.

Brushing the puppy’s teeth at least once a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush can help remove plaque and keep their mouth clean. It’s also important to feed the puppy dry kibble or dry food, as this can help scrape away plaque and help keep their teeth clean.

Regular trips to the vet can also help prevent any potential problems related to puppy teeth and help owners stay informed about the development of their pet’s teeth.


Puppies have milk teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, from the ages of 4-12 weeks. Knowing when and how many teeth they develop can help owners know what to expect during this important stage of their pet’s life. It’s important to take care of a puppy’s teeth with proper oral hygiene and regular trips to the vet. With the right care, a puppy’s milk teeth can stay healthy and strong.

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